Happy Diaries: Obsessed With Polynesian Sauce? New Releases On Netflix And More!!

Happy Diaries: Obsessed With Polynesian Sauce? What's New On Netflix + More!
As usual, here is a list of moments, food, and things that have brought me happiness this week! Enjoy!
  • I finally finished all of the books above! Yippee! Now I am ready for the next set of books that I want to read this summer! I am not too sure what those will be but I'm open to trying something new and interesting this month!
  • I just saw on twitter that Barnes and Noble have been acquired by a huge book chain and he is interested in keeping bookstores alive and well! My prayers have surely been answered!
  • It rained for a good 30 minutes the other day and I swear it was the best nap in the world! I don't know why rain makes me sleep better in my adult life but I am so here for it!
  • A good friend of mine saw my doppelganger in a coffee shop recently and she sent me a picture and it was quite interesting to see! I was shocked to see how much it looked like how I would possibly look at age 40! So weird!
  • Of course, I baked some of my favorite chocolate chip cookies this weekend and I may or may not have been eating them several times a day! Ha!
  • I gave myself a much-needed pedicure with a fresh coat of black nail polish and now I feel like I am ready to take on the summer!
  • The Nutcracker movie recently came to Netflix and even though I haven't had time to watch it yet, I am very excited to do so! I wanted to see it when it came to the theatre but somehow time just slipped behind me! I plan to put together a little movie night just to watch the movie this week and I am very excited!
  • I purchased a new little journal and I couldn't be more excited to write in it! I know I always type my thoughts out on the blog but there is nothing like having a private journal of moments just for yourself! I also like the idea of practicing writing more because not only is my handwriting just absolutely horrible, I also believe we shouldn't leave all forms of communication through a keyboard!
  • I was finally able to head back to Trader Joe's and pick up a brand new bottle of cookie butter!
  • Nothing will ever make me happier than the fact that I tried the Polynesian sauce for the first time at Chick-Fil-A and I am OBSESSED! Why didn't anyone tell me it was that good! Now I am a Chick-Fil-A sauce girl by nature but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and order it with my spicy chicken sandwich and I swear it made it taste differently! It's for sure going to be my go-to summer meal and treat this month!
Well, that's a little look into all of the things that have made me super happy this week! What are a few things that have been bringing you joy lately? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

The Happiest Monday To Ever Monday!


Quick OOTD: 5 Reasons Why I Love Overalls In The Summer