The Future Of Social Media in 2023

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post. Let’s go ahead and dive straight into today’s topic, it’s gonna be good.

Now that we are nearing the end of 2022, it has caused me to focus on how I want to navigate social media, blogging, and YouTubing in the future. I’ve said this before, and I will say it again, but my social presence is much like an online resume for me. That means that I keep my social presence active enough to stay on top of the changes within the social realm and keep my writing skills sharp. Don’t get me wrong, I love creating content, however, I also have a career in content creation so it’s always a little difficult to balance the two worlds. I think a lot of my feelings towards this also come with age. I have been blogging and creating content for social media for a little over 9 years now, so I think I may be experiencing some burnout. Don’t get me wrong, blogging and social media have opened the doors for MANY opportunities and I am super grateful for that. However, I am ready to focus on a new era of my life….my personal life…..

Social Media Predictions 2023

  1. I think people will choose to post what they actually love, instead of what they think an audience wants to see from them. We all know how hard it is to make content for an audience that can change faster than the algorithm, that’s why I feel as though people will take themselves out of the rat race and post more content that they actually enjoy!

  2. People will choose the platforms they want to focus on, instead of trying to create content for multiple sites. Ever since the pandemic, I think people have prioritized what they focus on, so that means you may see your favorite creators posting less on other platforms and choosing “one hub” for original content. As far as the other platforms, they will most likely post duplicate content.

  3. Last but not least, I think creators will focus on short-form content instead of long-form content. Let’s face it, no one has the bandwidth to sit through 30-minute videos anymore. Most content that we consume is on our phones is super short, and I think that trend will continue into 2023 and beyond.

As far as me and my social media, you can expect the same ole same ole. I am happy with my social media presence so I don’t have the desire to document every little moment in my life. I will continue to post on my blog, post the occasional Youtube video, and of course post on Instagram and TikTok!

Whatever you guys plan to do with social media, make sure you have a purpose, and make sure that it makes YOU happy! Anyways, that’s all for now! I will see you in the next post!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


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