Restyle My Life: Welcoming Spring With Straight Floral Vibes

Welcoming Spring With Straight Floral Vibes

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post! I don’t know about you guys but I am sooo happy to see spring coming my way! The last year and some change have been super dreadful and I honestly feel like a little bit more sunshine will do my mind and body some good! Grant it, I am not one to let the weather persuade my mood but that seems to have been the case ever since this pandemic hit. I was never the type of gal to get the winter blues and I always associated Christmas time with feeling cozy and comforted by the ones I loved! However, this is the first time in history where I just wanted winter to be GONE! Like, bye, Felicia! And I know what you’re thinking “she’s just excited to wear cute clothes” and while YES I am, I am also ready to bring on a new chapter in my life! I know “Spring” can’t bring absolute happiness but it CAN bring me some hope and that’s all I really care about at the moment.

I just want o to enjoy the simple things in life such as wearing floral dresses and grabbing coffee in the middle of the day ya know? The world has been very hectic lately and I think we all could use a little bit of flowers and sunshine in our lives! You know what they say “if you look good, then you feel good” and I am a firm believer in that. I know it may be hard but if you can try to get dressed and wear something other than sweat pants. It doesn't matter if it’s only once a week! I promise you will feel so much better!

Welcoming Spring With Straight Floral Vibes

Anyways, that’s all I wanted to chat about today! I just wanted to pop over here on the blog and bring a little bit of sunshine into your Monday morning! I hope you guys have a great day!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


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