Happy Diaries: A Little Chatty Chat

Happy Diaries: A Little Chatty Chat

WOWZA! We are already one week into October? Time, can you please slow down, you’re moving too fast! Ha! I think maybe I am a little anxious about turning 31 years old, but who’s counting? Is this the phase where we all keep saying we’re turning the same age over and over? Because if so, I am ready to take on my alternate persona, thank you very much! Ok, ok, ok, all jokes aside I am coming on the blog to share a few of the things that have made me happy over the past week. Grant it, life has been throwing curve balls all year, but this week was a pretty mellow one, and for that, I am grateful!

Happy Diaries: A Little Chatty Chat

Happy Diaries

  • Ok, so I am not the one to buy the latest iPhones as soon as they hit the shelves BUT I was able to do it this time around! Do you know what sold me? The camera quality! Ugh, it’s literally sooo perfect! I have been a whiz with the iPhone for years, so it just seemed like the perfect time to treat myself to an early birthday present!

  • Can y’all believe we are in October? This is my favorite time of the year, and not because its my birthday month but because things always feel super special when the temperatures drop! Iced coffee taste sweeter, sweaters feel cozier and all of my favorite television specials ignite all of those special memories that I have held on to over the years. I know this year has been chaotic, but I am determined to end 2021 on a positive note by any means necessary.

  • I have been doing quite a bit of thrifting lately and I have scored on a few pieces that I will NEVER, ever donate! Have you ever purchased something and then realized “I can’t believe I gave that away” smh! That’s literally how I have been feeling while looking for cute outfits to wear this Fall! Needless to say, ya girl has truly learned her lesson and I will forever cherish the new pieces that I have purchased recently!

Happy Diaries: A Little Chatty Chat
  • Can we appreciate how cute this dress is? I have worn this outfit so many times that it’s just downright embarrassing to admit. Sometimes when you purchase cute things, its just a good idea to twirl in it as many times as you can! Ha!

  • I know this one is redundant but I am loving wearing my braids lately. I never thought I would be the type to wear protective styles, yet here we are! Not only has this been beneficial to my current lifestyle BUT it has giving me the freedom to get up and go when I need to!

Happy Diaries: A Little Chatty Chat

And that is just a little look into all of the things that have made me happy this week! You already know what I am going to say, life doesn’t have to be extravagant for you to be happy! And I will forever stand by that statement. Well, that’s all I have to chat about on the blog this week! I will see you all in a bit!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


The Time Keeper Is Ringing The Bell


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