Get Dressed Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post. I hope all is well! I decided to spend the rest of my evening relaxing, and chatting it up on the blog. Anyways, let’s jump into this topic, shall we? Today’s topic is going to be all about clothes. I know, I know…. that should be the least of people’s worries at the moment but hear me out! I truly feel like if you get up and actually get dressed a few days out of the week, it truly helps improve your mental health. I can honestly say since 2020, I only dress up about twice a week… and that’s pretty low compared to how often I am used to it. That’s why this year I want to change that. This year I want to live every single day with a purpose, and for that to happen, I must feel confident in myself and what I wear. Since I work from home, it is super easy to roll out of bed and just log into my meetings half-motivated and dressed only from the top up, but I truly feel like that mindset is holding me back.

I truly feel that in order for me to have a successful year, I need to get up, get dressed and make plans for my life lol! I don’t want to spend all of my days in front of the computer and only have fun on the weekends. It’s time to live life, have fun, and dress up! Well, that’s all I have to say for now! Are you guys planning on dressing up more this year? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,

Sha’Carey Martin


What’s The Point Of Having A Great Day?


This Is YOUR Sign To Do YOU