Thursday Things: Ordering Masks, Coffee + Netflixcations!

Thursday Things: Ordering Masks, Coffee + Netflixcations!
A Thursday Full Of Happy Things From Life In REAL TIME
Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post. I thought I would hop on here today and do a bit of chatting since I am currently bored out of my wits. I don't know if you guys realize but it looks like we are living in some pretty strange times. The other day I woke up and decided to do a bit of online shopping and can you guess what it was? Well, if you guessed face masks then you are absolutely correct. Grant it, I never thought this would be something I would ever have to shop for yet here we are. I honestly feel like we are going to be sporting these masks for quite a while so I may as well invest in a few that I actually like and will match my outfits! Grant it, they are super uncomfortable but I would rather be uncomfortable in a face mask than uncomfortable in a hospital if you know what I mean! #BETTERSAFETHANSORRYright?

Anyways, I also thought today would be a good day to pop on and share a few random thoughts from this fine Thursday afternoon! For the first time in quite a while, I am chatting at exactly 3:04pm and this post will definitely be published by 4:00pm! Some may call it irresponsible but I call it living on the wiiilld side!!
Thursday Things: Ordering Masks, Coffee + Netflixcations!
Thursday Thoughts
  • Is anyone else over summer? Grant it, I am not the one to be rushing the seasons but this 100-degree weather is not it! Every time I walk outside I honestly feel like I am melting faster than a popsicle in the middle of the Sahara desert! I am soooo ready for cool weather, toasted marshmallows, and Fall vibes! 
  • I am hands down obsessed with Community coffee at the moment! Like, I've always known it was good but now it has gotten to the point where it is the only kind I like to buy! I swear it makes waking up in the mornings that much more enjoyable!
  • For the first time in my life, I finally watched the X-Men next class franchise and it is soooo good! Dare I say it is better than Avengers? I feel like it's soooo underrated and it is just really well done! 
  • Speaking of Avengers, does anyone else just miss going to the movies? I know I do! It seems like as soon as I started to get excited about summertime my movie nights have turned into stay-home-netflixcations! Ha! I mean, it hasn't been too bad but I am craving reclining movie chairs and fries!
  • I know this doesn't deserve a pat on the back but I am pretty sure I have been saving so much money by making my meals at home and not eating out! Don't get me wrong, I crave a crab leg cooked by someone else from time to time but I'm from Louisiana and one thing we know how to do is make seafood at home and that's definitely what we have been doing! If I haven't picked out one good habit its' the one where I have been forced to wake up everyday and feed myself! I guess the only light at the end of the tunnel is that my pockets will be thanking me by the end of the year!
Anyways, that's all I wanted to chat about today! There isn't anything fancy going on over here besides staying safe and gearing up for August! Like everyone else, I am taking life one step at a time and omitting anything that may even remotely stress me out! We are halfway through the year and I have finally become somewhat adjusted to what life is going to be like for the time being. Do I love it? NO! Do I accept it? YES! I have found that I only came to this conclusion because I have to truly let go of things and situations that I cannot control and this virus is DEF one of them. All I can do is pray, wear my mask, take my vitamins and social distance! The rest is in God's hands and that's the story I am sticking to! Ok, ok, ok, I am going to stop rambling and log out of the blog for now! Stay safe and I'll see you guys around!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin

All About Those Quirky Finds: MADTV, Tea Pots, And Dolls!


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