Working On My Summer Time Skin From Home

Working On My Summer Time Skin From Home
Working On My Summer Time Skin From Home
Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post! Ya girl is just sitting home right now and sipping on some coffee to get the day started! Grant it, I have not headed out anywhere at the moment because not only is the weather very icky but I genuinely feel like I just need a little R&R today! I had so many plans but I woke up today and just canceled what was left of life and crawled back into bed! Does that ever happen to anyone else? Anyways, I am pretty sure a lot of people are feeling that way right now which is why I have decided to give myself a little midmorning face masks and scrubbing! Do you guys remember a few posts back when I was sharing the fact that I have been doing a facial every single week? Well, I have been sticking to that regime and it has not been a disappointment yet! However, I will say I did experience a few breakouts last week but I already KNOW It was from the summer heat and wearing a little bit more makeup than usual! That is why I am going to spend this time getting those little pimples under control and relaxing for the rest of the day! Besides, there hasn't been much that has changed about my everyday skincare routine besides this one simple step that I have been loving since middle school...Can you guess what it is?
Working On My Summer Time Skin From Home
If you guessed a facial system spin brush then you are absolutely correct! I remember when I first asked my mama for one of these she thought I was waaaaaay too young to apply this to my face but after a few desperate cries of sadness, I was able to finally convince her to buy me one! To this day I still swear up and down that this was the best skincare purchase of my life! I promise you I used a spin brush up until my junior year of college and then I stopped because my face was doing well without one! It wasn't until recently I saw this one in the store on sale that I decided to reintroduce this back into my life again and boooooy was it worth it! Ever since I brought this home I have been using it twice a week and I already feel a difference in my skin! I am a firm believer that sometimes you have to take a break from certain products so that when you come back to them they will treat your skin better than ever before. Needless to say, I am a firm believer that this is going to be my go-to skincare favorite for the rest of the summer 2020!
Working On My Summer Time Skin From Home
And last but not least, I have a new mask that I have been loving and I just want to chat about it a bit! I recently stumbled upon this Lemon & Mint detoxifying clay mask and I am so obsessed! The packing may be small but both my sister and I were able to cover our entire faces and necks and still have a little bit leftover so it was totally worth the money! I really liked this mask because I could truly feel it working it's magic while purifying my skin! I LOVE making homemade remedies with natural lemon in the product so this will be my go-to mask on the days I don't have time to whip something up in my kitchen! Anyways, that's just a little look at some of my favorite go-to face products for the summer! What are you guys currently using? Let me know in the comments down below! See you tomorrow!

Always Living and Forever Learning,


Different Finds I Saw At The Thrift Today


I Found The CUTEST Earrings For $1 At The Thrift Store!