Books, Magazines And The Urge To Read More!
Books, Magazines And The Urge To Read More!
Hey guys and welcome to a brand new blog post! I hope all is going well! I am just chilling, relaxing and reading for the most part and it has been nice. I thought I would hop over on the blog and have a little chat with you guys about a few things that have been on my mind lately! Life hasn't been as busy as it used to be and I am honestly not mad about it. I don't know about you guys but I probably have gotten more sleep in the last three weeks than I have gotten in the last three years! Ha! But anyway let's get on to the story, shall we?
Lately, I have been having this super strange urge to read everything in sight! I used to be an avid reader in my day but then life got soooo busy I was barely able to read a book every six months! However, in the New Year, I did make a few purchases of a few new books that I began reading and I soooo glad that I was able to grab a few books for myself! Lord knows I didn't know I would be doing this much reading this week but I am not gonna complain about that! I have two Nicholas Sparks books that I am excited to finish and I am trying not to read through them too fast!
I know I have said this a few times before I was the queen of the accelerator reading program in grade school and I have been holding that accomplishment dear to my heart ever since I won! Lol!
Anyways, I am just here to say that books and magazines are my new best friend right now and I ain't mad about it! What have yall been doing to entertain yourselves these days? Let me know in the comments down below! See ya around!
Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin