Sha'Carey Martin

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Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifting Finds, Foodie Love, And How I Plan To Have A Happy Wednesday!

Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifing Finds, Foodie Love, And How I Plan To Have A Happy Wednesday!
Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifting Finds, Foodie Love, And Having A Happy Wednesday!
Hey yall! Today is Wednesday and I am super glad that we are halfway through the week so that I can hang out with my friends and family! Honestly, I never thought I would appreciate the weekends as much as I do now as an adult but I swear I am waiting on Friday to arrive as if it is going to be the last one to happen! Ha! Does that happen to anyone else.....because....same! Anyways, I thought I would pop over onto the blog today and share a few things that have been making happy lately! I hope you enjoy!
Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifing Finds, Foodie Love, And How I Plan To Have A Happy Wednesday!
  • I was able to go thrifting a pick up a few items that I definitely did not need! I don't know how this always happens to me because I am the type of gal that shops with a plan YET I always end up buying things that were not apart of the list! Can someone please explain this phenomenon to me! Ha!
  • I purchased a cute little pair of Hello Kitty earrings and I am super obsessed with them! I had a pair that were pretty similar a few years ago but I gave them to my mom because I didn't care for them too much! It wasn't until recently is when I found a slightly smaller par and I absolutely fell in love with them again and I purchased them on site! I have probably worn them several times now and I have already made a vow not to lose or give them away again!
  • I have been drinking a lot more water lately and I have been totally seeing a difference in my skin! I have quite a few blemishes and I can really see them start to fade away over time! #yas
  • Chick-Fil-A sent me a little reward for my birthday and it just added to the one million and one reasons why I absolutely love that place! Ha!
Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifing Finds, Foodie Love, And How I Plan To Have A Happy Wednesday!
  • I was able to eat the YUMMIEST shrimp and grits EVER earlier this week and I am still dreaming about them as we speak! Not only were the grits super yummy but the Shrimp was seasoned and tasted amazing! Ugh, can someone take me back, please?
  • Other foodie moments I have been loving this past week or so is going to my FAVORITE yogurt place and adding animal cookies to the mix! Yall, when I tell you that this combination is so good I swear I am going to start making it at home myself! Ha!
  • I purchased a brand new coffee cup and I swear I am absolutely obsessed with it! Am I the only one who thinks that coffee tastes better when it's in a cuter cup? Ha! Just me? OK!
Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifing Finds, Foodie Love, And How I Plan To Have A Happy Wednesday!
  • It has been raining so horribly bad here BUT that hasn't stopped me from making lots of yummy hot cocoa and catching up on all of Netflix's new releases! I don't know about you guys but the rain makes me tired and sleepy which is why it is always the perfect excuse to cancel plans and make a little date night for myself! #teamsleepandnetflix 
  • I don't know why this always brings me satisfaction but I decluttered my makeup box, bathroom drawers AND the top shelf of my closet! I swear every time I do this I always feel as though I have made some serious life changes and I love how much calmer it makes me feel!
  • I also bought a new pumpkin tea that I have been drinking like crazy! I love my tea during the colder months and the weather has been feeling perfect for a nice cup of it every single night!
  • I was able to finally find a cute pair of boots on sale at the thrift store recently and they were in GREAT condition and they were only $12! What a steal!
Midweek Happy Diaries: Thrifing Finds, Foodie Love, And How I Plan To Have A Happy Wednesday!
And that's just a few of the things that have been making me feel happiness this week! I know Wednesdays and pretty much known to be the blah part of the week but I have decided to change that narrative! I love to look at this day and think of it as a time where I can really prepare for the weekend (instead of on Fridays) and to truly get my life together! I am going to make this a happy day no matter what is going on because I truly believe that the middle of the week sets the tone for the weekend as well! With that being said I am about to hop off the blog, make some tea, and get ready to plan out the rest of my week that's ahead! What are you guys going to do to make sure that you're having an amazing Wednesday? Let me know in the comments down below!

Always Living and Forever Learning,
Sha'Carey Martin