Hello, I’m Sha’Carey!

Welcome to my little part of the internet. After all of these years of blogging, writing an introduction about myself seems to still be super scary! Anyways, let’s get to the “introduction phase” shall we? I am a 32-year-old creative who loves to write, dance, skate, and everything in between! I have been blogging (and creating content) since 2014 and I certainly consider myself a self-made expert! If you would like to get to know me a bit better, feel free to read my blog, check out my resume and of course stalk my social media profiles. Im everywhere…no seriously…. I am lol!



My Life Motto?

Always Living & Forever Learning

I am a firm believer in doing whatever makes YOU happy because life is too short to do anything else. My current motto is “Always Living and Forever Learning” which means “live to your highest potential and choose to embrace the learning curves of life, and watch your lessons learned become your greatest accomplishments".

Copywriting. Podcast. Womanhood. Life.

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