Writing A Quick Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

I'm writing this from the car's back seat, where I've been lounging for the past hour or so. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I can hear the faint sounds of cars whooshing by. It's the perfect summer day.

I've been enjoying my summer so far. I've gone to the park a few times, spent some time hanging out at the movies, and even went on a road trip with my family. But my favorite thing this summer has been relaxing and enjoying the warm weather.

I love spending lazy afternoons reading a good book, or just sitting outside and people-watching. I've also been enjoying spending time with my friends and family. We've gone to the cutest, played games, and just hung out and talked.

I'm so grateful for this summer vacation. It's been a time to relax, recharge, and make some great memories. I know that summer will be over soon, but I will enjoy these last few days of summer while I can.

P.S. I AM super ready for Fall though. It is my favorite time of the year. πŸƒπŸ πŸ‚

Anyways, that’s all for now. I will see you in the next post!


Life Lately: Fun & New Mugs


Photo Dump: Skidaddling In The City